Close Settings Delta Emulator is now ready for you to use.Tap Profiles and Device Management and find Delta Emulator in the Profiles list.When it is done, the Delta icon is on your home screen – don’t use it just yet.Input your Apple ID and password and then leave Cydia Impactor to sideload and sign the file.ipa file and move it into the open Cydia Impactor window ( drag and drop it ) Launch Cydia Impactor and wait for it to pick up your iPhone or iPad.Next, tap the download button above to download the Delta.Download Cydia Impactor on your computer.How to Install Delta Emulator using Cydia Impactor: The Delta Emulator app icon will appear in Apps in AltStore and on your home screen when it has been installed.Once done, wait for the installation to complete.If this is your first time using AltStore, you may need to input your Apple credentials before the app can be installed.A list of IPA files on your iPhone or iPad will load so find and tap on Delta Emulator.Tap the + sign in the top corner of the screen.Open Safari browser and download the Delta Emulator file onto your iPhone or iPad.How to Install Delta Emulator using AltStore: Don’t forget to customize your gamepad with custom Delta Emulator Skins, designed specifically for Delta emulator.If you get an Untrusted Developer Error, follow the steps in the FAQ section below. Launch the emulator app, and you can choose and play your games.Go to the section for Emulators and locate the Delta app tap on the Get button to proceed.

Once it is installed, open the TopStore app.Download TopStore app from the linked article ( or use the iOSHAven app ).How to Install Delta Emulator using TopStore:

3 How to Install Delta Emulator using Cydia Impactor:.2 How to Install Delta Emulator using AltStore:.1 How to Install Delta Emulator using TopStore:.